The only thing I see is the cops should've been mostly black instead of white. Makes no difference to the end result.
If this is what DESIGNS is hinting about, RAZZIEL got it 100% right.
Let's consider the whole scenario again, but this time it's one of the two "black" cops on our local force of about twenty-ish.
I steal stuff. . . . Confrontation with "black" cop. . . . . Ends up shooting me. Everything same as above.
Again, be honest: Why did this happen? Because the cop was black?
I don't think so, and I'm the dead guy.
Also, reaction from my "mostly white" community because I was shot by a "black" cop (and I am telling you the honest-to-John truth here):
"What in the hell is wrong with that guy? He must be insane! Rob a store, attack a police officer?! That guy was cracked."
They would then order a Mocha Latte.